Keep A Backup Re-Create Of Complicated Gadget Settings

This article explains why it's a expert thought to proceed a backup re-create of settings for your gadget, inward detail for HTML/Javascript gadgets that create got complicated, hard-to-regenerate, code.

Blogger's backup tools allow yous accept copies of:
  • your post-contents together with (separately) 
  • your template. 

Some tertiary political party backup tools (eg HTTRack) allow yous brand backup copies of how your weblog looks - including the consequences of displaying your gadgets.

But equally far equally i know, in that location is no agency that yous tin dorsum upward the settings (ie parameters or configuration) that are stored within the widgets on your blog.

This tin last a work if yous accidentally take a gadget, or if yous create got an HTML gadget together with become the code incorrect inward it: Blogger is quite unforgiving sometimes, together with the HTML/Javascript gadget editor but removes whatever code that it doesn't understand.

In about cases, this isn't non a large work  eg if yous show a movie equally a gadget, thus it's by together with large slow plenty to locomote out characteristics that yous would necessitate to larn inward to re-create the gadget.

But if yous lose a complex gadget (eg your ain customised laid of subscription buttons), thus re-creating it could last hard together with time-consuming.

So - for HTML/Javascript gadgets which create got code which yous intend is complex, I recommend keeping a backup copy of the gadget code somewhere.

Personally I ordinarily set it inward a post inward a someone weblog where I draft posts and proceed the documentation for each weblog - but yous could role a attain of other places, eg a text file on your reckoner or on Google Drive, or fifty-fifty whatever electronic mail message to yourself.

How to dorsum upward code from HTML/Javascript gadgets inward a someone weblog post

Every fourth dimension yous edit a gadget that yous desire to proceed a backup for, thus just earlier yous click Save:
  • Press Ctrl/a to select all the text inward the gadget window.
  • Press ctrl/C to copy it
  • Switch to role Blogger inward a dissimilar window
  • Open upward the documentation blog, together with navigate to the post where yous proceed the code for that gadget
  • Edit that post - or brand a novel ane if yous don't create got ane already.
  • Make certain that you're inward Compose view, together with the Options > Compose Mode setting is on "show HTML literally" (ie non on "interpret HTML")
  • Paste the gadget code into the post, together with give away it.

Although this sounds tedious, it's actually real quick to do. And losing complicated gadget code, fifty-fifty once, is a expert incentive to holler back to dorsum it upward every time.

Hint: Put a comment to remind yourself where to dorsum this gadget at the altitude and/or bottom of the gadget code. This reduces the gamble that yous volition forget. A comment is done inward HTML similar this:

How to dorsum upward complicated non-code gadgets

If your gadget has complicated settings which aren't code, ane selection is to accept a screen-shot together with relieve it to your photograph collection, or fifty-fifty exactly a text-file or documentation-blog post where yous proceed notes almost what the settings are.

You won't last able to automatically restore your gadget settings from this, but it should last a expert reminder of what yous necessitate to create (provided yous tin honor the movie when yous necessitate it).

Unfortunately there's no slow agency to pack upward linked-list or blogroll gadgets at the moment. However making a re-create of your site using HTTracker volition present yous the list, together with what the items link to.

Or yous could construct your linked listing code manually (using the same clitoris a fast ane on that that I recommend for getting movie code) together with set it into a HTML/Javascript gadget, which is based upward equally described above. The code for a handcrafted linked-list gadget looks similar this:

Related Articles:

How to add together a movie equally a gadget inward Blogger

Using the post-editor to construct HTML code for gadgets

Prepare your blog-posts inward private, using a documentation blog
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